PA : Hans MEURISSE over het Belgische gevangeniswezen

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 19:30-22:00, Van der Valk
Speaker(s): Spreker : Hans MEURISSE, directeur-generaal van het Belgische gevangeniswezen.

Directeur-generaal van het Belgische gevangeniswezen Hans Meurisse komt ons meer uitleg geven over de Belgische gevangenissen in België op vandaag en hoe het gevangeniswezen er in de nabije toekomst uit zal zien.

Tineke zal de inleiding verzorgen van haar baas.

Korte CV Hans Meurisse:

Hans Meurisse is the Director General of the Belgian Prison Service. He studied Criminology at Ghent University and participated in several post-graduate courses which allowed him to gain profound knowledge of public and penitentiary management, Business Process Reengineering and organised international fraud. After working as Inspector General for the Judiciary Police until 1999, he became prison governor of the Ghent prison before being appointed Director General in 2006.In 2011, he was appointed President of the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services, an organisation designed to improve co-operation among European prison services to enhance public safety and security.At the end of 2014, he was re-elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA). He had already been part of the ICPA Board from 2008 until 2011 and served as 2nd International Vice President for 2 years.


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